Fast Fiction: The End

“It’s happening,” cried Charlie. “It’s really happening.” “It’s not happening,” Emmalene said calmly. “You’re fine. We’re all fine.” But Charlie couldn’t hear her. He was too busy running over to the window. Too busy pressing his face to the glass. It was pitch black outside, but the window was cracked at the bottom, and theContinue reading “Fast Fiction: The End”

Fast Fiction: Call From the Past

I lay on the carpeted floor of my living room, my feet up onto the couch cushion where a normal person would sit, and lazily fan myself with the Lamaze pamphlet. The window is wide open, bringing nothing but July humidity into the apartment, and the ceiling fan is spinning so fast it shakes. ItContinue reading “Fast Fiction: Call From the Past”

Short and Sweet.

“I need to read more. I just can’t find the time.”“My attention span is too short for reading.”“I don’t know the last time I’ve read a book.” These are all real sentences from real people I’ve heard in the last few months. Some said to me, some snippets from conversations happening nearby. And for eachContinue reading “Short and Sweet.”

Fast Fiction: Bottomless Mimosas

She was drunk even before the food arrived. Not her plan, of course, seeing as it was a Sunday morning and she had a list of errands she intended to cross off after breakfast. But it’s not everyday you find yourself sitting across your husband with whom you’ve been separated from for six months. AndContinue reading “Fast Fiction: Bottomless Mimosas”

Why I’m Scared of Self-Driving Cars

For my Pittsburgh friends, I’m sure you recognize the image below. I remember the first time I saw one of these Ubers driving around the city, the metal cylinder spinning on top like something out of a science fiction novel, and my friend nonchalantly saying, “Oh, there’s one of those self-driving cars.” Hold up. WContinue reading “Why I’m Scared of Self-Driving Cars”

Fast Fiction: Art Class

I stare at myself in the small rectangular mirror that sits propped up on the desk, and focus on the small hairs that connect my two eyebrows. Or what I thought were two eyebrows. “Be honest with me, have my eyebrows always looked this way?” I ask, squinting my eyes and leaning closer to examineContinue reading “Fast Fiction: Art Class”

Why Not?: The Story of Dandelion Revolution Press

Originally published on Dandelion Revolution Press website February 8, 2021. The Start There, sitting in the booth of Panera Bread, frantically jotting down notes as the four of us ping-ponged ideas about our future press around the table, I could feel excitement bubbling inside me. “I already can’t wait until we publish our first anthology,”Continue reading “Why Not?: The Story of Dandelion Revolution Press”

Just Because.

So! I finally did it! I created a website, and you’re on it. Welcome to my little corner of the Internet. This is half an author website, half a whatever-I-want-it-to-be-at-any-given-moment site. Creating a website was something I had been thinking about for a while. I played with the idea, enjoying the taste. Like a jawbreakerContinue reading “Just Because.”